EUMANS Members' Assembly - 9th March 2021 - 8.30 PM CET

On the 9th of March EUMANS held its Public Assembly - You can review the recording, read the closing statement and learn more about what's next at this link. 

The Convocation letter of the EUMANS Members' Assembly of the 9th of March

How could we  leverage Europe to strengthen democracy and sustainability?

We would like to invite you to the EUMANS Members’ Assembly on the 9th of March 2021 from 8.30 PM to 11.00 PM CET - the Assembly will be in English and Italian
[Register here to get the unique ZOOM link to attend the Assembly] 

The EUMANS Assembly will be an opportunity to  review the framework of EU and member states’ political debate, with a special focus on the potentially imminent launch of the Conference on the Future of Europe, the adoption  of implementation rules of the Recovery Plan and the need to hold Governments accountable on sustainability, democracy and the rule of law.

We will assess the initiatives currently promoted by EUMANS, in particular:

  • the European Citizens Initiative, which is accelerating the push for European carbon pricing and  saw our movement connect over 70 Mayors. Its aim is to support the fight against climate change through participatory democracy and to progressively empower more European citizens  including artists, intellectuals, entrepreneurs, and civil society organisations.
  • the push for the launch of the Conference on the Future of Europe, highlighting the need to include citizens assemblies selected on the basis of a draw both at a EU and national level and the role that EUMANS can play within the network of civil society organisations and the movements Citizens Take Over Europe.
  • the results of the last Council On Participatory Democracy and the follow-up to the EU Can Do It Petition on the European Health Union
  • the action to be taken  at a  European level to guarantee equal dignity to participatory democracy in terms of information and impact to ensure a functioning democracy that is based on the combination of representative democracy and participatory democracy to make change happen.

We invited to the Assembly a few citizens that crossed our path in the  last few months,  and have allies and partners of all the initiatives we are carrying on. We will publish the list of invited guests in the next days. 

The goal of the Assembly will be to identify a path towards the EUMANS Constituent Assembly to be held in Warsaw in the summer of 2021 and to evaluate the implementation of the current statute.

In particular we will focus on:

  •  Which instruments of participatory democracy can be activated  to promote democracy and sustainability. Our original idea was a package of European Citizens Initiative or Petitions; however we could also consider starting from small-scale self-organised citizens assemblies
  • How can we enforce the two “bodies” included in the EUMANS Statute (The Council on Participatory Democracy and the Committee of the Wise ) so that they serve the goal of a constituent Assembly in Warsaw

The Assembly will be public (registration link), but only invited guests, members or activists who subcribed the EUMANS Activation Agreement will be able to intervene.

Participation rules of discussion and the proposals for the Assembly Members are open for discussion on EUMANS Agora, the official activity platform of EUMANS.

We look forward to have you with us,

Marco Cappato, President of EUMANS
Virginia Fiume, Coordinator of EUMANS


*Thanks to EUMANS Member and activist Flavia Pansieri, Former United Nations Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights, for reviewing this letter and for sharing some inputs for the preparation of the Assembly that you can already find on EUMANS Agorá dedicated thread. 


8.30 PM CET - Introductions by Marco Cappato, President of EUMANS and politica activists and Virginia Fiume, EUMANS Coordinator 

8.55 - 9.20 PM CET - Perspectives from citizens and organisations who cooperate with EUMANS 
- Violeta Bulc, Former EU Commissioner for Transport, supporter of and co-promoter of the Manifesto for the Health Union 
- Niccolò Milanese, Executive Director of European Alternatives and coordinator of the coalition Citizens Take Over Europe 
- Roger Casale, Executive Director of New Europeans, EUMANS Member, Former MP in the UK 

9.20 PM CET - General Debate open to members and activists 

10.20 PM CET - Conclusions


ALL THE RESOURCES (in progress)