Democracy is increasingly perceived as a failed system, triggering a vicious cycle of distrust and ineffectiveness. The national and short-term focus of electoral democracy is indeed ill-suited to implement transnational, long-term policies entailing public involvement. Authoritarian regimes (even those legitimated by "democratic" elections), public bureaucracies and private oligopolies are profiting to restrict civil liberties and make democracy an empty shell.
Eumans is committed to contribute to reverse this trend through civic engagement, empowering individuals to directly participate beyond national borders and elections.
Article 3 of Eumans' Statute reads: "Eumans, as a pan-European Movement of popular and nonviolent initiatives, has among its objectives the defense of human rights and fundamental freedoms, the affirmation of the rule of law and democracy, the protection, conservation and restoration of the ecosystem and sustainable development, as well as the promotion of science-based debates and institutional decisions."
The Third Eumans Congress (organised in collaboration with Associazione Luca Coscioni) will be held in Brussels on March 6th at the European Parliament, followed by a Citizens' Assembly by sortition on March 7th and 8th at the Université Libre de Bruxelles. It will be an opportunity to co-decide on future challenges and give European democracy a chance.
During 2024, a set of petitions was tabled to the newly-elected European Parliament, with the signature of 30.240 citizens, on the following issues:
- civic artificial intelligence
- abortion as a fundamental human right
- cannabis decriminalization
- shifting taxation from labour to emissions
- stop subsiding intensive farms
- voluntary assisted dying as a fundamental human right
In 2025 we will maintain our support and participation to “My Voice My Choice”, the European Citizens Initiative for safe abortion in Europe, which already collected 1 million signatures needed to be considered by the European Commission. We plan to do the same with at least two other European Citizens Initiatives: “Stop Cruelty, Stop Slaughter” and “Psychedelicare”.
Those and other ambitious goals will be crucial for the bottom-up building of pan-european democracy.
We hope to count on your attendance to the Eumans Congress in Brussels. FILL THE FORM to announce your participartion.
For more details, see the draft programme below.
Eumans congress - Program
Eumans congress
Thursday 6 March morning (EP)
SESSION 1: 9 - 13
Citizens participation for democracy and sustainability in Europe
- Institutional Greetings by Annalisa CORRADO, Member of the European Parliament
- Presenting EUMANS, pan-European Movement of popular and nonviolent initiatives:
- General introduction by Marco CAPPATO, President; - Presentation of Eumans campaigns:
9.30 - 10democracy and civic AI
- Piervirgilio Dastoli - European Movement (Italy) - President
10- 10.10 Right to Science
- Laura CONVERTINO, Science for democracy
10.10 10.25 Assisted dying as fundamental human right
- Yvette Schuijt - Legal Policy Officer - NVVE
10.25-10.40 cannabis legalization
Open debate
- Institutional greetings by Benedetta SCUDERI, Member of the European Parliament
- 11.10 - 11.40 Stop Global Warming
- Andrea Salimbeni - Ecology Coordinator for Eumans
- Patrick Brown - Executive Director Equal Rights
11.40 - 12.20 International justice in the new world order (Co-organised with “No peace without justice”)
Open debate
13.30 - 14.30 demonstration: “stop EU funds to intensive farming”
Thursday afternoon (EP)
SESSION 2: 15 - 18.30
The movement for European Citizens Initiatives (ECI)
- Institutional Greetings by Valentina PALMISANO, Member of the European Parliament
- Reforming citizens participation in the EU
- “My voice, my choice” the ECI for safe abortion in the EU (15-16)
- Nika Kovač, coordinator of the European Citizens Initiative "My Voice, My Choice"
- “Stop Cruelty, Stop Slaughter”, the ECI to begin with the curbing of factory farms, and the initiatives around the “Food For Profit” documentary to stop EU funds to intensive farming (16-16.30)
- (....) “Stop Cruelty, Stop Slaughter”
- Giulia INNOCENZI, Journalist, Director of the documentary "Food For Profit"
“Psychedelicare”: the ECI campaign to favor the medical use of psychedelic substances in the EU (16.30 - 17)
- Theo GIUBILEI, Founder and Project coordinator of Psychedelicare
17 - 18.30
- Interactive session
How to build the paneuropean movement of popular and nonviolent initiative - closing session: votes
Organised in collaboration with “Associazione Luca Coscioni”
For more information on the Eumans proposals about the issues that will be adressed in the Congress, please visit:
1. for a civic artificial intelligence
2. abortion as a fundamental human right
4. shifting taxation from labour to emissions
5. stop subsiding intensive farms
6. voluntary assisted dying as a fundamental human right
The benefits for Congress participants are as follows (note: these amounts are higher than the previous communication, which should now be considered obsolete):
Travel expenses:
- Reimbursement of €60 for members* of Eumans or the Luca Coscioni Association.
- Reimbursement of €30 for non-members.
Accommodation expenses (per night) at the partner hotel:
- Reimbursement of €40 per night for members* of Eumans or the Luca Coscioni Association.
- Reimbursement of €20 per night for non-members.
Note: All reimbursement requests will be processed immediately after the Congress, upon submission of receipts and based on actual participation.
* The status of "member" (or registered member) will be verified at the time of reimbursement, not at the time of booking.
We have secured a partnership with MOTEL ONE BRUSSELS from March 5 to 8:
🔗 Motel One Brussels
The hotel is:
- 20 minutes on foot from the European Parliament.
- 1 hour on foot (or 30 minutes by bus) from the university.
The agreed rates do NOT include reimbursements (meaning this is the full amount each participant must initially pay, which will later be partially reimbursed according to the conditions listed under "REIMBURSEMENTS FOR PARTICIPANTS").
Room rates (including breakfast and city tax):
✔ 1 night (March 5-6)
- Single-use double room: € 170.14
- Double room: € 191,28 (€95.64 per person per night)
✔ 2 nights (March 5-7)
- Single-use double room: € 310.28 (€ 155.14 per night)
- Double room: € 352.56 (€ 88.14 per person per night)
✔ 3 nights (March 5-8)
- Single-use double room: €450.42 (€150.14 per night)
- Double room: € 513,84 (€85.64 per person per night)
⚠ Note: The hotel specifies that double-occupancy rooms have separate bedding but close beds.
To book your stay for the Eumans Congress and the Citizens' Assembly, please follow these simple instructions:
📩 Send an email by February 14 to:
Agenzia Tour Point54 – S.C.S. Service S.r.l.
✉ Email:
Email subject:
Email body:
✅ Request a reservation at MOTEL ONE BRUSSELS, the partner hotel for the Congress.
✅ Confirm your first and last name.
✅ Provide your residential address and tax identification number.
✅ Specify the dates of your stay: FROM [arrival date] TO [departure date].
✅ Indicate whether you want to book a single-use room or a shared double room.
✅ Specify your preferred payment method: Nexi link (credit card) or bank transfer.
Important payment information:
💳 Full payment is required at the time of booking.
💰 Reimbursements will be issued immediately after the event.
Other important notes:
🔹 Free cancellations are possible until February 14 (administrative fee: €20).
🔹 Any extra costs must be paid directly at the hotel.
🔹 If you are coming alone but would like to share a double room to reduce costs, we can help match you with a suitable roommate. Just let us know your preferences.
For any questions or clarifications, feel free to contact us.